Saturday, November 12, 2011

From Dresden to Prague!

I haven't written in a few days! It's been hectic here, traveling from Munich to Dresden, and now we've made our way to Prague to see our friends! In Dresden, we found a great place called Schnitzel Garten, that offered over 50 different varieties of schnitzel!


We started by ordering drinks, and I ordered a Berliner Kindl Weiss (wheat beer) laced with raspberry liquor! I love how they mix beer with other flavors here...and I think I might bring it back to the states with me. Bartenders, listen up - start lacing that beer! :) After the one laced with raspberry, I moved on to the same kind of beer, laced with creme de menthe.



The Schnitzel Garten's menu reads like a short novel, listing every possible variety of schnitzel that you could ever imagine, all named after different places in the world. Check out a few pages of the menu!



I opted for the Saint-Tropez, a schnitzel gratineed with creamed leeks, cheese, fried onions and grilled tomatoes, served with sauteed potatoes and a salad garnish. It was crispy, and gooey, and rich and delicious...and I really didn't want to stop eating it...but it was so filling and after I had consumed about half the plate, I just couldn't go any further!


After a thorougly enjoyable visit in Dresden, a very cool city, we hopped onto yet another train with the intent of visiting our friends in Prague. Arriving just as Prague residents were leaving work for the weekend, we traveled to our friends' apartment before heading out on the town. We went to a traditional Czech restaurant, Hybernia, where we were seated at a table that had it's own tap! 


My friend, Daniela, informed me that I must try the "grilled knuckles," so that is exactly what I did. I received a large wooden board, piled high with pork knuckles, a variety of dipping sauces, and some picked veggies on the side. This is apparently a very traditional meal in Czech cuisine, and it was delicious. The meat was tender, the sauces were so tasty, and the pickled veggies...well, I love pickled I thoroughly enjoyed those too!


Today, we headed out to explore the city and happened upon a celebration for St. Martin's Day. This local tradition involves a little marketplace, where you can buy crafts and hot mulled wine, as well as all sorts of local delicacies. We had some roasted pork, as well as a Slovakian specialty, Halusky, which consisted of potatoes, onions, bacon and cabbage, which was SO good!




After enjoying a little snack in the midst of our city-exploration, we moved on to more site-seeing. We saw beautiful, old streets, and wonderful crafts that local merchants were selling. Prague is a beautiful city to explore, but it's almost dinner-time! Until next time readers....

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