Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Spreading My Wings

After discussing the progression of my blog with a few of my avid readers, I've gathered some great constructive criticism, and have come to a few conclusions regarding the future of this blog. I've been told that the videos (yes, all two of them so far) are very informative, and even funny, and that there should be more of them. Check. I will make that happen.

Any suggestions
from Flickr - by jonhoward
In the coming weeks, I'm going to introduce some series of posts, containing instructive lessons, such as knife skills. You will also find a tip or factoid of the day at the bottom of each day's post. I have a passion for all things culinary, and I enjoy sharing this knowledge with everyone. Expect to learn something each day, in addition to building your recipe collection, and joining me on my culinary adventures.

My question now is...what do you want to see more of? I've already heard from the people I know in person, and talk to on a daily basis, but what about everyone out in the blogosphere? What would you like to learn? What questions do you want answered? And finally, what kind of things would you like to see on a website, if I were to start building one?

from Flickr - by watcherob

It's time to get bigger and better! In a few days, I will hit 10,000 views to this site and I'm ready to take it to the next level! Help out by sending your comments, questions, and suggestions my way! Think of it as a virtual suggestion box!


Tip of the day: When you make a recipe from a cookbook, don't be afraid to write your changes down. Use your cookbooks, get them marked up, and get them dirty! The only way to improve your own skills is by recognizing when something hasn't gone the best way possible, and then correcting it until it is perfect. And if a recipe doesn't come out well, always try it at least one more time before giving up. I never admit to a failed recipe until I've failed at least twice! :)

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