Tuesday, December 27, 2011

MonaVie: Get Your Daily Dose!

When I sat down with Dawn McGee, an independent distributor of MonaVie products, it was with an open mind that I listened to her story. Twenty-five years ago, she took a ski trip with friends, and came back with significant knee injuries that created the need for surgery, on multiple occasions. After the most recent procedure, doctors recommended a daily dose of glucosamine to help her joints, but they came in a large pill format, and it was inconvenient. She just never got around to it.

One day, she walked into her salon for a manicure, and saw a lovely bottle sitting on the counter. Thinking she was going to have a nice glass of wine with her spa treatment, she settled in for a relaxing afternoon, but what she learned was that this bottle held something other than wine. Instead, she was inspired by the tastes in the juice that came pouring into her glass, full of berries (including Acai), fruits, and best of all, glucosamine along with many of the vitamins and minerals we never get enough of on a daily basis. Now she drinks MonaVie every day, for better-feeling joints and muscles, but she's not just a drinker, she's also a distributor.

MonaVie operates by word-of-mouth advertising and independent distribution around the globe! Dawn realized that not only could she pay for her own supply of MonaVie products by sharing them with others, but she liked working for herself, and was doing really well. She seems thrilled to share her experiences as a marketer for the brand, but also her personal feelings as well. She truly stands behind the product that she recommends, and that goes a long way in this market where everyone needs a review or a referral to trust a product.

These products are sold in many denominations...you can buy one bottle, or go so far as to have a monthly shipment automatically sent to your door. In order to drink the recommended daily amount, you would need to order a case per person per month. But, however you find yourself supplementing your diet with this nectar, I don't think you'll be disappointed. Dawn explained to me that the fruits we eat today don't hold as many nutrients as they did in, say, the 1950's. For instance, we would have to eat a ridiculous amount of peaches in order to be getting the nutrients equivalent to one peach eaten in 1950. Our soils have been so depleted in the last 60-or-so years that no one is getting what they need from our produce anymore. The ingredients in MonaVie are sourced from all over the world, and because the fruits grow in the wild, which means that Mother Nature takes care of re-energizing the soil, making sure that the essential vitamins and minerals do not become depleted.
The Health Juices come in five flavors: Essential, Active, Pulse, (M) Mun, and Kosher. The Pulse blend focuses on nutrients needed to make for a healthy heart, and contains enough plant sterols that the FDA says it may reduce cholesterol. The (M) Mun blend strengthens the body's immune system, while the Active blend (Dawn's drink of choice) focuses on joint health and can also protect against free radicals. The Essential blend is just that...the essential juice for your health in general, and if you're kosher, you can get those same benefits from the final, Kosher blend.

MonaVie also offers a range of weight control products, energy drinks, and they even have a gel packet that offers a quick jolt of Acai for a burst of energy and vitamins. Dawn gave me a few of those to try since my allergies have been acting up, and it was quite a refreshing shot. It's fresh, tasty, and it feels like you are putting something good in to your body when you have it.

You can contact Dawn about purchasing some MonaVie at your convenience, via her website, MVAcai. She'll also be doing a tasting this Thursday and Friday at Smuggler's Notch Ski Resort, in Vermont. If you are going to be in the area, stop in and say hi to Dawn, try some of her products and give it a shot for yourself. Tell her that all of us here at Mise En Place say hello!

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

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